The real - because just sucks.

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This is the way to whack richb

he must be destroyed


here is what BM says:



the guy won't last long when I'm done with him

use hollow point for this piece of shit

i'm in

just let me get my gun loaded

indeed. All MX users must unite to unseat this asshole of an admin ! come join us!

absolutely correct. I use MX a lot, but this fucked up admin is hated by everyone. just read his bullshit, it'll tell ya something.

we must kill this worthless scumbag

i will take your word for it.

you sound so sincere


forum admins are known to be the worst scum around but this asshole on mxlinux really is some yankee pighead extraordinaire.

such a fucked up asshole

I am the Swedish translator of MX-Linux.

We must liquidate our forum admin ASAP. Shoot him or burn his house down or both!

quite right! these subhuman pigs ban users just as they please. look on mxlinux! they banned newbies after 1 post a lot and they also ban people

WITH ZERO posts.  zero posts!  they didnt even set an avatar or  used a profile, yet this admin scum bans them. always the same with these swines.

don't you know fucking admins?

they're all the same assholes and control freaks.

they are nothing but shit in real life that's why they run their shitty forum like a personal fiefdom where they feel like a fucking demigod

if you outsmart those dumbasses they ban u or delete ure posts

How has he upset you?


forum admins are known to be the worst scum around but this asshole on mxlinux really is some yankee pighead extraordinaire.

such a fucked up asshole