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Bitmessage - secret leaked documentary info beyond the wiki - README !

Posts 1 to 7 of 7


If you want to build the bitmsghash library, you also need g++ and openssl development libraries. If you want to use GPU acceleration, you also need pyopencl. For the latest v0.6 branch you also need the msgpack python library.

All should be a part of your distro repository so only use pip if really necessary.

Peter Surda
Bitmessage core developer


You are making up artificial problems that don't really exist. There is nothing easier than just exiting the client and running an offline rescan tool that would do nothing else than going through all the objects and reprocess them. Just a tiny bit more difficult solution would be to do that directly from within the client which - for the scan runtime - would suspend all its other activities.

Only v4 addresses have the rescan feature because v4 addresses generate v5 broadcasts which have a tag for easy identification. Most, if not all, of those addresses are v3 or v2 and thus only generate v4 broadcasts which require the same decryption process as msgs: attempting decryption using every enabled subscriptions key. Implementating this isn't trivial which is why v5 broadcasts have a tag. What if a user adds a new subscription/chan during a rescan? Is the rescan restarted or is there a queue of rescans? What about expired messages (messages that an immediate scan would have decrypted but a delayed scan missed because the message expired and was deleted)? What about new messages arriving during a rescan particularly during synchronization (a message that arrives after the new address is added is automatically checked against the new address)?

I think there's already a ticket about it on github.

> Not to rescan but actually to redownload everything all over again,
> which is just dumb and abuses the network and resources because
> PyBitmessage had all those objects already. The "rescan" feature is
> what is missing.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> I subscribed to all these broadcasts, and then deleted the inventory
> to rescan all the objects.
> I received a ton of messages from TimeService, and a single message
> from Insugentile. That was all I got. The other ones may or may not
> be dead, but most probably are.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Broadcasts:
> subcribe there (i.e. do not join chan)
> Adrian Short BM-2cV81aEbr1jCoyivcncFeJ8KdGUnUCbKTh - - -
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> - - -
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> BM-GuFn5YWw6h6LDVWXhyUKg62mNgQwgohd
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> updates on bitcoin, bitmessage, world affairs and the financial
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> WhiteyLeaks: Exposures of Poseurs
> BM-NBbYjBFtPk1xxkNfm7xNGVzo7KKaraWW
Mar 10 2016 08:01

    Posted by: station "Ramsay"
    Manning style BM'er

TTL is stored as the expiration date so it will have to be set to a new value which will affect the message payload checksum which will need a new PoW.

However, it is a lie what the client says, i.e. "By default, if you send a message to someone and he is offline for more than two days, Bitmessage will send the message again after an additional two days. This will be continued with exponential backoff forever; messages will be resent after 5, 10, 20 days ect. until the receiver acknowledges them.", let alone a sick delusional nonsense exhibited in the first quoted sentence.

In reality, the first resend is done once the original message expires. This first resend (and all the consecutive resends as well) will have TTL set to a maximum value, i.e. 28 days, (resulting in a more difficult PoW) and the next resend after that will be scheduled in 28 days * 2^currentresendnumber.

- original send: time T, original TTL, resend scheduled in 28 days
- first resend: time T+28 days, TTL=28 days, resend scheduled in 28 * 2^1 days (=56 days)
- second resend: time T+28+56 days (=84 days), TTL=28 days, resend scheduled in 28 * 2^2 days (=112 days)
- third resend: time T+28+56+112 days (=196 days), TTL=28 days, resend scheduled in 28 * 2^3 days (=224 days)
- fourth resend: time T+28+56+112+224 days (=420 days), TTL=28 days, resend scheduled in 28 * 2^4 days (=448 days)
- fifth resend: time T+28+56+112+224+448 days (=868 days), ...

So the message is not resent after 5, 10, 20 days as the client lies to you, but after 28, 84, 196 days. In other words, if a message is sent with the default 4 days TTL and the recipient happens to not run their BM client within this short period of time, they will have to wait for another 24 days to have a chance to receive your message. By that time the message may not be relevant to them anymore and if you deleted the message in the meantime it will never get resent at all.

So this feature is basically non-functional and useless for most of the users.

In the client it's stated that if the recipient isn't online for 2 days the client automatically resends the message. Will it have to calculate the PoW again? How is the TTL going to be accounted? From the new resend datetime?
May 16 2016 23:34

    Posted by: bitmessenger
    head honcho

In portable mode a "unwanted" file /pybitmessageqt.conf  will appear in the local dir.

To get rid of it, put an

export statement in your ~/.bashrc  for XDG_CONFIG_HOME

Then the  ~/.config/PyBitmessage   will stay absolutely empty in portable mode.

> ~/.config/PyBitmessage/pybitmessageqt.conf file is not a
> PyBitmessage configuration file.

> The pybitmessageqt.conf file is a qt thing, it stores the settings
> of the PyBM window size and whatever you can resize or move (with)in
> it. You may try to set the XDG_CONFIG_HOME env variable.

Try running it like this:
> XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/some/portable/path/ python
> and check whether the pybitmessageqt.conf gets created there.
May 17 2016 12:18

    Posted by: msg expiry time


"nodes will delete an object that has a PoW for less than 5 minutes"

Objects that expire in less than 5 minutes have, for the purpose of PoW validation, a TTL of 5 minutes (line 468 - 469

Objects are deleted between 3 hours and 5 hours 3 minutes past their expiry (line 210 of; called by singleCleanerThread every 2 hours 3 minutes)

" The minimum TTL that PyBitmessage will currently allow for new  messages is 1 hour. "

This is for sending broadcasts, for normal messages it's 5 minutes (nodes will delete an object that has a PoW for less than 5 minutes) but the TTL label doesn't have sufficient precision to describe times lower than 1 hour. Also, the PoW adds some randomness to the TTL, and the expiration date is determined when the PoW starts rather than when it finishes so I don't recommend going as low as 5 minutes.

Peter Surda
Bitmessage core developer

May 17 2016 12:26

    Posted by: UBF4
    Manning style BM'er

http://bm6hsivrmdnxmw2f.onion/chan/gene … f97f3e2d93

back reference into BM  :cool:
May 17 2016 12:43

    Posted by: PoW difficulty settings

> > Since the owner of a bitmessage address can set min pow, and
> > everyone owns same key in chans. What is to stop malicious person
> > setting pow to insane difficulty for a chan rendering it useless?

> How?
> A chan does not know it is a chan.
> > Chans' min POW is always 1

The client (sender and recipient) knows whether it's a chan and ignore the PoW difficulty settings (at least that's how PyBitmessage works, I don't know about other clients).

If one of them doesn't know it's a chan, that can cause other behaviour but let's ignore that because that's not the normal case.

At least in theory, it's possible to have chans with a different difficulty, but there is currently no way for the subscribers to agree on it, so you'd have to solve this problem before implementing it.

Peter Surda
Bitmessage core developer
May 17 2016 14:26

    Posted by: accurate on TTL

> Correction:
> > nodes will delete an object that has a PoW for less than 5 minutes
> Objects that expire in less than 5 minutes have, for the purpose of
> PoW validation, a TTL of 5 minutes (line 468 - 469
> Objects are deleted between 3 hours and 5 hours 3 minutes past their
> expiry (line 210 of; called by singleCleanerThread every 2
> hours 3 minutes)
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Correction:
> > The minimum TTL that PyBitmessage will currently allow for new
> > messages is 1 hour.
> This is for sending broadcasts, for normal messages it's 5 minutes
> (nodes will delete an object that has a PoW for less than 5 minutes)
> but the TTL label doesn't have sufficient precision to describe
> times lower than 1 hour. Also, the PoW adds some randomness to the
> TTL, and the expiration date is determined when the PoW starts
> rather than when it finishes so I don't recommend going as low as 5
> minutes.
May 18 2016 10:39

    Posted by: Arch problems

no portable mode possible

That is generally the case when you "install" - portability and installation are mutually exclusive.

BM Portablility only from the from github. PAMAC install will give non-portable mode only.

very 1. line breaking error   "env  python22.7" in AUR PKGBUILD , hence zero votes yet.

The prepare section of PKGBUILD naively tries to fix some shebang lines resulting in "python22.7".

Lines 31 and 32 of PKGBUILD should be replaced with a single line something like:

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's#^\#!.*python.*$#\#!/usr/bin/python2#g'
May 18 2016 10:40

    Posted by: Arch Linux problems

above post refers to pyBM installed in Arch or a derivate like Manjaro or Parabola Linux.
May 18 2016 12:36

    Posted by: pyBM as Dämon

### Running PyBitmessage as a daemon

If you find yourself using BMF all the time and don't want to see the
PyBitmessage UI, you can start PyBitmessage as a daemon.

First, add the following to the `[bitmessagesettings]` section of `keys.dat`:

    daemon = true

Next, start PyBitmessage like so:

    nohup python src/ &

This will start up PyBitmessage in the background without the QT GUI.
Aug 7 2016 09:27

    Posted by: Tornet Project

what is missing is the wiki-undocumented way to use green light BM over tor

with hidden service keys.dat setting
Aug 7 2016 09:28

    Posted by: pypy

In daemon mode, see above, pyBM can be run by pypy, a fast python JIT-compiler.
Aug 7 2016 11:07

    Posted by: run pyBM via TorNet

set up BitMessage over TORnet - version 11 :

check the settings table at … ice_on_Tor

Edit your torrc - on Ubuntu, Arch, etc. it's /etc/tor/torrc -
and add a hidden service for bitmessage:

HiddenServicePort     8444
HiddenServiceDir             /var/lib/tor/bitmessage

look up the content of        /var/lib/tor/bitmessage/hostname afterwards to fill in keys.dat  at onionhostname , e.g.

onionhostname = yufrurfrkv64.onion

hint 1: delete hostname + privKey file, then restart tor to have a new .onion generated, then update "keys.dat" accordingly (i.e. copy the value).

hint 2: using SelekTOR or TorBrowser-bundle (hardened or soft) is not recommended for a quick success of getting the green traffic light in pyBM.
        Use "regular system tor" via systemD-KCM or CLI instead.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ torrc section for reference

############### This section is just for location-hidden services ###

## Once you have configured a hidden service, you can look at the
## contents of the file ".../hidden_service/hostname" for the address
## to tell people.
## HiddenServicePort x y:z says to redirect requests on port x to the
## address y:z.

# inside of the HiddenServiceDir
# you'll find the value for "onionhostname = " of keys.dat file , stored in file hostname

HiddenServiceDir   /var/lib/tor/bitmessage
HiddenServicePort  8444

#HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
#HiddenServicePort 80

#HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/other_hidden_service/
#HiddenServicePort 80
#HiddenServicePort 22

----------------------------------------------------------------  end of section

----------------------------------------------------------------  example tor unit file for ref.:

Description=Anonymizing Overlay Network

ExecStart=/usr/bin/tor -f /etc/tor/torrc
ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


----------------------------------------------------------------- end of unit file for ref.

Then restart tor , possibly using the selekTOR GUI.

----------------------------------------------------------------- edit the keys.dat

keys.dat is the control file of pyBM  -- SUMMARY:
----------------------------------------------------------------- example of keys.dat
settingsversion = 10

timeformat        = %%a, %%d %%b %%Y  %%I:%%M %%p
keysencrypted     = false
messagesencrypted = false

## put in YOUR value from HiddenServiceDir ---> /var/lib/tor/bitmessage/hostname
onionhostname = yufrurfrkv64.onion   

onionbindip =
onionport   = 8444
port        = 8444

sockshostname       =  ## otherwise you will only be able to accept one (simultaneous) connection. This will be fixed in the future.
sockslisten         = False      ## then no clearnet connects are made at all

socksport           = 9054
socksproxytype      = SOCKS5

socksusername       =
sockspassword       = without it a hacker can hack ure sox !
socksauthentication = False

sendoutgoingconnections = True

-------------------------------------------------------------------- end of example keys.dat

The first port (in this case 8444) you (then) have to put as
"onionport" variable into "keys.dat" file in PyBitmessage portable (or non-p.) dir.

onionport = 8444

The second port (in this case: 8444 , too)
is the port you have in PyBitmessage network settings
as "Listen for connections on port" (variable "port" in keys.dat).

port = 8444

The IP address (here is the internal (local) address of
your PyBitmessage.

If you run Tor and PyBitmessage on the same (local) system,
it will usually be

This address you then have to  put as "onionbindip"
into your keys.dat control file.

onionbindip =

If you want to accept  connections from both clearnet and tornet,
that step is not necessary, however.

onionhostname = hostname_of_YOUR_individual_hidden_service.onion # is taken from the file "hostname" in the respective hidden service directory, usually


  or whatever was defined in torrc (see above).

----------------------------------------------------------------- launch pyBM and that's it ! you're good to go. you might want to delete the knownNodes file.

--- remarks:

It can take a long time to actually get an incoming connection on
the hidden service, depending on circumstances and your other
settings, it may be hours. However, once your onion address makes it
onto the list in the network ("known nodes"), it should be faster.

PS. I just committed some minor fixes to the Tor code, you may want
to pull them.

Peter Surda
Bitmessage core developer


   You probably want to tell people what exactly to do to use onions,
   step by step. Lines in torrc, etc.   --> find it above!

  yeah, the minimum steps to get green light.

  using SelekTOR would be helpful as it is a GUI.
  If so, remember to have port to 9054 by default in both pyBM and SelekTOR.
Aug 28 2016 08:01

    Posted by: BM without pyQt4

This way you add a text-based user interface for Bitmessage so people can use it in the Terminal and (remotely) on servers where there is no graphical environment available.

For anyone who wants to set it up on a debian-based system:

Setup Command :

sudo apt-get install python openssl git python-pip
## Installation of dependencies.

sudo pip install python2-pythondialog

## Installation of a pythondialog version which works with the curses UI. The version from the Debian/Ubuntu repository does not work.

git clone ~/PyBitmessage

## This downloads PyBitmessage itself.

sudo ln -s ~/PyBitmessage/src/ /usr/local/bin/pybitmessage

## Sets up a symbolic link so you can execute PyBitmessage more easily

git -C ~/PyBitmessage pull

## Updates PyBitmessage

Usage:  You can start the curses-based interface by executing

pybitmessage -c

    You can switch tabs with the numbers 1-8 on your keyboard.
    Use the arrow keys to navigate through a list
    Press enter to read a message
    q to quit Bitmessage.
Aug 28 2016 08:09

    Posted by: spectre
    Manning style BM'er

A note about security: using the Bitmessage API remotely

It is insecure to use a remote Bitmessage API directly, as all XMLRPC API calls go over the web using http in cleartext. That means when your Inbox is downloaded, or when you send a message, the content goes out over the web in plain text (unencrypted).

To protect against this, it is better to open an SSH tunnel to the host your PyBitmessage API/server is running on.

You can forward a local port on your computer to a destination port (typically 8442) on the server

(you only need to open up  port 8444 in your firewall on the server
to transmit to and from the Bitmessage peers,

you do not need to open up port 8442 for the API,
as the tunnel will connect locally to it on the server).

This command will forward port 8422 on your local computer to port 8442 on the server,
using SSH as a tunnel (typically port 22) to your Bitmessage server host:

ssh -N -L 8442:localhost:8442 <remote-bitmessage-server-hostname>

When you use an API based app such as Bmr,  when you  login to Bmr locally, just use localhost as the hostname and port 8442.

This will encrypt all communication to the API using SSH before it leaves your computer.
You can use whatever port you want locally (the first port defined above).

For windows: use Putty and setup an SSH tunnel for Source port 8442 and
Destination localhost:8442 under Tunnels. Then connect normally to your host via SSH Session

By doing this, you are effectively making the API calls directly on the server over SSH.

So they are not going out over the web using http to the API.

Login to PyBitmessage server (use SSH tunnel for remote access): ...
Aug 28 2016 08:14

    Posted by: spectre
    Manning style BM'er

Don't confuse chans and deterministic identities.

While they seem similar there are differences under the hood
- in particular chans don't publish their public keys (encrypted or otherwise) on the network

while deterministic identities do.

This means that a deterministic identity is vulnerable to unsolicited messages
from anyone who has the address while a chan is not.

chans always use the first valid address generated
unlike deterministic identities.

with determinstic identities it is a hindrance to generate say 1000 addresses,
pick one of them, coordinate with your friends

* the passphrase,
* generation settings and
* which one of those 1000 addresses should be used as the chan;

and then disable/remove the 999 useless identities
(the more active identities you have the slower the message decryption process).

BM works with a sort of 'flood' model, where every node processes every messasge it gets.
If it can decrypt it, that message appears in your inbox.
If not, it must not have been meant for you, and it's passed on.

This is a clever design because it means that the whole message can be encrypted-
-including the 'to' and 'from' fields (that's a common challenge in anonymous communication systems).

Can I send a message to someone that is offline

Yes. However, if you go offline then they must come back online within 2 days of the message being sent.
Nodes delete data, and do not accept data, older than 2 days.

No, it's only as hard to discover as the chan name's complexity.
Keep in mind that you can generate as many BM addresses based on that passphrase
as you want and then choose one at random yourself.

Still, it's best to be complex and hard to guess.
At that point your chan is as secure
as the opsec practiced by the other people you give the address/passphrase to.

Supposedly child pornographers, terrorists and the like are quite active on here using such secret chans.

If I create a chan with a name that is hard to guess,
will the contents of that chan be discovered by others?

I was hoping a secret chan name would keep the messages privy to those who know the chan name and address.

Is this true and are the messages encrypted?
Is there any way for interlopers to discover the address?
Dec 1 2016 19:11

    Posted by:

in other words:

nobody wants       ~/.config/PyBitmessage/pybitmessageqt.conf

in ~./bashrc

export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/someShitPathToDumpCrapIn


Extended encoding is now available, if you check out the v0.6 branch, you can send end receive messages using this encoding.

You need to install the msgpack-python package as I explained before.

Receiving: automatic
Sending from GUI: Press "Shift" while clicking the "Send" button
Sending from API: not available yet

Test it as much as you want.

Peter Surda
Bitmessage core developer


This method launches multiple Tor instances, each with its own SocksPort and ControlPort. This ensures that the Tor Browsers are fully functional, portable, and self-contained. However, someone should confirm that I haven't missed anything that could compromise TBs security.

    Optional: Download, verify, and install Tor Browser.
    Make copies of the Tor Browser folder with different names (eg. Number them)
    Launch Tor Browser
    Edit about:config
        Modify extensions.torlauncher.control_port to a new ControlPort (eg. 9052 for Tor Browser 2)
    Edit TorButton Preferences (without the GUI [removed in 4.5 update])
        Modify extensions.torbutton.custom.socks_port to a new port (eg. 9152 for Tor Browser 2)
        Modify extensions.torbutton.custom.socks_host to
        Modify extensions.torbutton.proxies_applied to false
        Modify extensions.torbutton.use_privoxy to false
        Modify network.proxy.socks_port to the same port (eg. 9152 for Tor Browser 2)
    Close Tor Browser
    Edit torrc-defaults in \TorBrowser\Data\Tor
        Change SocksPort to what you set in step 5
        Change ControlPort to what you set in step 4
    Launch Tor Browser, and check that everything was configured correctly
        Homepage (about:tor) should say "Congratulations!"
        Click "Test Tor Network Settings". should say "Congratulations."
        Go to Test should be all green and orange except Tab name. Authentication should be "protected". Note: It may not say that you are using Tor, but this is incorrect.
        Optional: Go to for IP, DNS, Geolocation, Browser and other info
        Optional: Test your browser fingerprint at
    Optional: Edit about:config
        Type “banned" and modify the ports of the two entries. Add all the new SocksPort and ControlPort to the list (Copy the ports from other Tor Browsers)
    Optional: Turn on “Forbid Scripts Globally” in NoScript for further security and privacy (also reduces browser fingerprint)
    Repeat 3-10 for each Tor Browser folder

Alternatively, this might be possible with a single Tor instance as the SocksPort and ControlPort. This would require the use of the control_auth_cookie (CookieAuthentication) or HashedControlPassword, and about:config extensions.torlauncher.start_tor=false. However, the browsers would not be self-contained and portable, as they would require a process that isn’t in their own directory.


Tor support in pyBM ver. 0.6

How can we can check it is working?
There are several options:

You can increase the logging and look for connections from your tor instance (typically

You can check for incoming connections using whatever tools your OS provides, on linux you can do "lsof -n -iTCP:8444 -sTCP:^LISTEN" and look for your tor instance

You can turn off incoming connections from clearnet and wait for the light to turn green.

Is it possible to connect to the onion address using tor browser?

In a way. If you try that and the hidden service is working, the tor browser will connect and after a minute or two display "The connection was reset". If it isn't working, you'll get "Unable to connect" or something like that pretty much right away. Make sure you specify not only the onion address but also the port.

One more question, how about the network setting "Listen for
incoming connection when using proxy"? How should be this set for
tor only connection?

This is the "sockslisten" parameter in the config file, if you only want incoming connections from tor, it should be off.

Peter Surda
Bitmessage core developer

Well I assumed (apparently, wrongly) that people who want to run BM
as a hidden service know how to configure a hidden service.

Edit your torrc (on Ubuntu it's /etc/tor/torrc) and add a hidden
service for bitmessage:

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/bitmessage
HiddenServicePort 8444

Then restart tor.

The first port (in this case 8444) you then have to put as
"onionport" variable into keys.dat in PyBitmessage.

The second port (in this case also 8444) is the port you have in
PyBitmessage network settings as "Listen for connections on port"
(variable "port" in keys.dat)

The good news is that PyBitmessage 0.6.0 already has client-side support for Tor addresses, so people running 0.6.0 will automatically be able to connect to the hidden service nodes as they pop up. I did launch a couple of nodes on Tor and they are already getting incoming connections.

There are three new variables that you can set in the config file, and there is no GUI for configuring it yet.

onionport = 8444

onionhostname     - copy this one from your torrc. You need to manually add a hidden service in your tor config.

onionport     - the (external) port you configured in your torrc. Typically you'd use the same as your BM listening port

onionbindip     - if you only want to accept incoming connections from tor and not from clearnet,
      keep sockslisten at off and set this to the outbound IP of your tor installation (normally,

Note1: I also recommend sockshostname is set to an IP (e.g. rather than a hostname like "localhost", otherwise you'll only be able to accept one connection at the same time

Note2: Please note that the mailchuck fork has been discontinued, use the official PyBitmessage repo, and the "v0.6" branch for the latest code.

The IP address (in this case is the internal address of
your PyBitmessage, if you run Tor and PyBitmessage on the same
system, it will probably be This address you then have to
put as "onionbindip" into keys dat, but if you want to accept
connections from both clearnet and tor, it's not necessary.

It can take a long time to actually get an incoming connection on
the hidden service, depending on circumstances and your other
settings, it may be hours. However, once your onion address makes it
onto the list in the network, it should be faster.

PS. I just committed some minor fixes to the Tor code, you may want
to pull them.

Peter Surda
Bitmessage core developer


  yeah, the minimum steps to get green light.
  using SelekTOR would be helpful as it is a GUI
   You probably want to tell people what exactly to do to use onions,
   step by step. Lines in torrc, etc.
  I added a bit of info into the FAQ: … ice_on_Tor
  Peter Surda
  Bitmessage core developer


### Running PyBitmessage as a daemon

If you find yourself using BMF all the time and don't want to see the
PyBitmessage UI, you can start PyBitmessage as a daemon.

First, add the following to the `[bitmessagesettings]` section of `keys.dat`:

    daemon = true

Next, start PyBitmessage like so:

    nohup python src/ &

This will start up PyBitmessage in the background without the QT GUI.


pypy ./

pypy is a fast JIT-compiler for python


Ok, and? I don't see how that fits in here. The purpose of NCDNS is merely to allow access to dot-bit domains,  which the verification is done by the blockchain on your own machine. The purpose of DNSSEC is merely to catch the dot-bit domains while sending the non-dot-bit domains to your regular DNS. It basically acts as a fork-in-the-road, nothing more.

The MITM issue with dot-bit domains is greatly diminished since the verification is done on your own system via the blockchain and thus a more direct connection. Hence trustless.

I have NOT looked into why DNSSEC and OpenDNS do not work together, just that they don't. Trusting OpenDNS is no different than trusting any other DNS and is fully susceptable to MITM. The point of NCDNS, namecoin is not to trust a third party as much as possible.

This is not a tunnel, this is not a VPN, etc.

First of all, DNSSEC does NOT sign your queries. Rather DNSSEC allows a zone (such as a domain) to be signed by its owner, and allows a resolver (for instance, Comcast's DNS servers) to verify the signature, and therefore be sure that the zone data it gets is authentic. It protects the resolver from receiving bad data, but does nothing to prevent MITM or snooping between you and the resolver.
DNSCurve on the other hand encrypts communications between recursive resolvers and authoritative servers and allows authoritative servers to sign their data against forgery, but does nothing to protect an end-user client from a bad recursive resolver. OpenDNS's DNSCrypt solution is based on the same technology as DNSCurve, but protects the last-mile between a trusted 3rd party recursive resolver like OpenDNS and the end-client.
NMControl has also been retired. NCDNS has taken over and works fine... though I had an issue in which the developers helped resolve.

Note: DNSSEC + OpenDNS = FAIL. They do NOT work together. Google DNS and DNSSEC work fine together.

nmc doesn't work on its own. it just checks if it can perform the lookup using its cache. if it can then it will return the cached response and if not passes the query up the chain to the next nmc or namecoind server (just like dns). i'm not that into namecoin and thus not aware of any public nmc or namecoind services so i had to run namecoind myself.

alternatively there are dns services you can use that will accept .bit queries among others. only use those that are serious about security - that is the dns query and response will be encrypted. this is harder to get working though due to the additional software and system configuration changes required.

Anyone have experience with namecoin control module that allows for browsing of dot-bit domains? I have it installed and it says it should be configured right off the bat, but it doesn't seem to be picking anything up which means I can't access dot-bit sites.

So, anyone use it and have managed to get it to work?

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